A Foundation of Gratitude

A Foundation of Gratitude


As someone who tends to be introspective by nature, in the past I've focused my gratitude practice on the deep and transformational things I'm grateful for. So, when I'd sit down to either write a gratitude journal or even consider the gratitudes in my heart, I'd look to the lofty things. And often, when I was struggling, it was hard to truly land on that feeling of deep gratitude in the moment because everything always felt so "in process."

What I've learned of late is how to be grateful for what is in front of me in any given moment—my cup of coffee, my fingers, pencils, paper, kleenex. And it's helped me to feel more grounded and safe.

I also love that I can do my gratitude practice in ANY moment. I don't have to write it down. I don't have to set a special time aside to do it... although truthfully I do begin and end my day with a simple gratitude practice. Sometimes it's short and sweet, but often one thing leads to the next and I feel like I could go on forever.

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The Next Right Decision