The Next Right Decision

The Next Right Decision


Have you ever felt like you couldn’t change course because you’ve invested so darned much time, energy, attention and money into a particular venture?

Maybe you’ve made a dramatic change in your life, like you left corporate to go into business for yourself, or decided to take a coaching course or maybe even return to college because you had a NEW vision of what you’d like your life to look like?

And in your heart you knew those were the right decisions at the time because the calling was so strong. And you are correct, friend, they have been the right decisions.

But does that mean that now you cannot change course again? Are you obliged to stay that particular path even though it perhaps has not turned out the way you were envisioning it would?

If you’re leaning toward a yes to that question, then allow me to offer a reframe - one that I actually know to be truth:

It’s all part of your ONE UNIQUE JOURNEY—even the part where feel disillusionment and disappointment. In fact those are some of the gold nuggets that help you muster the strength to make the NEXT RIGHT DECISION.

You were brave enough to make one choice. Now, are you brave enough to make another, knowing that ALL OF IT is part of the Divine Journey of Life?

Perfect in Your Imperfection

Perfect in Your Imperfection

A Foundation of Gratitude

A Foundation of Gratitude